Monday, June 1, 2009

The Last Monday of First Grade

Today was our last Monday together. Our word of the day today was "baby". It was a rule follower, but the "y" had two jobs - it was tricky and magic. The word "baby" is a noun. After recess, we started a big friendship project called a compliment book. We each had to write a compliment quotation for each person in our class. We had to choose a tag word, too. Mrs. Myers typed the compliments over lunch. In the afternoon, we cut and glued the compliments on each person's book page. We had to find them in alphabetical order. Mrs. Myers made copies of our book. Check it out tonight in our mail. We are excited to read our compliments tonight. They will make up feel proud and happy! It felt good to know that our friends will all feel happy and proud, too, just from the things we said! After lunch, we looked at the book, Mermaid Dreams. First, we predicted all we knew about the main character, just be looking at the title and the cover of the book. We shared our ideas with a partner. Then, Mrs. Myers read the book. At the end, we check our predictions and recorded them. We had to prove our true predictions by using the words and pictures in the book. We all thought that Meriam, the main character, was a mermaid, but we didn't find out until the last page of the book. Later in the afternoon, Mrs. Myers read the book, Figgity Fish. Then, we played a game using the words from the story. We had three teams - boat one, boat two, and boat three. Mrs. Myers gave us a word. We she told us the number of letters in the word. Then, we had 30 seconds to write the word secretly. When she sounded the boat horn, we had 10 seconds to share with the other people on our boat. Then, we had to send one person from our boat, up to share the answer. If our team was correct, we got one point. If our team was wrong, we had to throw one person off the boat and into the shark water. Soon, the sharks were a team, too. At the end of the game, we had two bonus rounds where we had to spell the words by ourselves without sharing, and each correct person on the team earn one point. In the end, the shark team won! It was so much fun! We are getting better at spelling and stretching words with more than one syllable. Before recess, we had time to share our publishing center book with one or two friends, now that we are done illustrating. We will be sharing our books with our second grade computer buddies on Wednesday. Then we can take the books home! Hooray! We ended the day at art! We're happy and sad that this was our last Monday together!

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